Masters Wrestling
Instructor Led
Tues/Thur 7:00 - 8:00 pm
Open Mat
Self Led
Sun 3:00 - 5:00 pm
What is Masters Wrestling?
At CORE, we define our Masters term as adult (18+), co-ed, folkstyle wrestlers. This can be a former wrestler, a rookie wrestler, someone interested in training for competition, or just wanting to stay in shape. We have found many experienced Jiu-Jiust competitors find value in us helping them with their stand-up (takedown) skills too!
What is Open Mat?
- NOT COACH LED, like weekday practices.
- Feel free to use the facilities for free, but come prepared to create your own workout plan.
- We strongly suggest scheduling your own workout partner(s). They can all train for free as well.
- Similar to pick-up basketball. Not a structured practice. Lots of music, weight training, sparing and rolling.
- If new, get trained at a few of our week day practices first.
- No charge and open to any grapplers from other schools or clubs.
- Please Note: We typically cancel Open Mat on tournament weekends. Please text/call ahead if a Non-Member, or simply check our TeamSnap calendar if a CORE-Member, prior to coming out.
Click HERE to check our tournament schedule.
Location: 8800 Monroe Rd., Ste 200 Charlotte, NC 28212
Contact Us
Call +1 (866)-704-2673
Text Your Head Coach on Our TeamSnap App