Wrestling Registration: 3 Simple Steps
Step 1: Check Us Out for Free
Registration is required prior to coming in for free trial. 1 free trial prior to registration. No need to reserve a spot. Just review our practice times below, and come on a Tuesday or Thursday. Bring water bottle, towel, shorts, and t-shirt.
Step 2: Schedule Your Intro-Meeting
Once you have completed step 1, look for our Customer Care Team to contact you within 2 business days to schedule this meeting.
Step 3: Select Your Membership (monthly memberships are best value)
Wrestling & Jiu-Jitsu (HS & MS Ages). Practice Options: Unlimited Access. Wrestling (T/W/Th 6-8PM + Sun Open Mat 3-5PM). Jiu-Jitsu (Click HERE to see practice times for Youth Monthly & Unlimited Monthly).
Instructor Led Wrestling. 6-8 yrs old. T/Th 5:00-6:00PM.
Instructor Led Wrestling. 9-18 yrs old. T/W/Th 6:00-8:00PM...Sun Open Mat (self led) 3:00-5:00PM.
Self Led Wrestling. 18+ yrs old. T/Th 7:00-8:00PM...Sun Open Mat (self led) 3:00-5:00PM.
All monthly memberships are charged on the 1st of each month and can be cancelled after a 2 week notice via email (customer-care@core-wrestling.com). Do not communicate this request to any other staff members, as they cannot process it. Any requests received after the 2 week notice will be billed on the 1st of the following month, and then cancelled.
All Family Member rates can be used if you currently have a family member enrolled in any other membership, at full price.
Do you qualify for our discounted rates?
Scholarship, School Teacher, First Responder, College Students.
Email us at customer-care@core-wrestling.com
Need tougher partners and competition? Register for our CORE Elite Travel Team (Expires at end of each 3 month season).
Spring Season runs April-June. HS & MS Ages. Must be a NC or SC state placer.
Train Th/6:00-8:00PM. Compete in 3 national tourneys April-June. $250 covers 3 month season of training. Does not include tournament fees ($150/tourney) or team gear ($160 for singlet, shorts, t-shirt).
Need flexibility during your School season? Register for our 10 Pack
(expires after 2 months. For Youth Wrestling Only).
Location: 8800 Monroe Rd., Ste 200 Charlotte, NC 28212
Contact Us
Call +1 (866)-704-2673
Email Customer-care@core-wrestling.com
Text Your Head Coach on Our TeamSnap App